Sunday, December 8, 2013

HP1100 Fundamentals of Social Science Research

2 hr lecture + 1 hr tutorial per week

Mid-terms 40%
Finals 60%

Exam Format:
Midterms - MCQs
Finals - MCQs + Long questions


A module on research methods and statistics. In my opinion, it is quite dry, unless you have a passion in research and statistical mathematics.

No recorded lectures, so it is better to turn up for lectures. Engage yourself in writing down notes to prevent yourself from falling asleep.
Textbooks are sold in a set. It is a MUST to buy the textbooks because exams may ask you the textbook definitions. And it is actually easier to understand the content by reading the textbook.
No tutorial homework. But you have to attend tutorials because the TAs will teach you how to use SPSS (a statistics software).

For midterms, it is better to read the textbook and understand definitions and concepts. For the finals, time management is important, especially if you are not a fast-worker when it comes to math. Finals emphasizes more on statistics. Formula list will be given for statistics so you do not have to memorise the formula. Bring calculators (with approval stamp from HSS)

What's good about this module is that not much memorizing is needed, and for statistics, if you understand the use of the formula and the methods to solve the questions, you can actually skim through the textbook quite fast. But you do need to spend some time practising the computation questions!


  1. Hi i am a psych major freshman and I wanna ask what's the question for the research methods part of the essay for last year?

    1. Hi! I'm sorry I really can't remember. But I do remember the finals having alot more computational than research mtds. Research mtds questions are quite straightforward so i guess just know your content well! All the best!

  2. Hi!! I'm a freshman thinking of minoring in psych in the future, is it weird for me to join this course if I am not from psych? And will there be any group work, or active class participation, etc

    1. No! Its definitely not weird! Ppl dun usually ask if you are from Psych so yeah you will blend in well easily. Even if they do ask, you can just say you are planning to minor, its perfectly fine :) and everyone will start out knowing nothing so you wun lose out. 2 years ago when i took it, no grp work or class part, but now I'm not sure if they make any changes.

  3. Hi, can I know if you got in NTU psychology from JC or poly? If poly, what are the GPA requirements?

    1. Hi! I was from JC! But according to the Indicative Grade Profile, for poly GPA requirements, its 3.81 at the 10th percentile and 3.98 at the 90th percentile for the last batch. This is just for reference though. It depends on the batch of peers who is applying with you.

  4. Are the essay questions writing essays based on content we have to memorise or are they just statistical calculation quuestions? Help! *panics for finals*

    1. That time we had both. The writing one is quite straightforward if I didn't rmb wrongly. More emphasis on statistical computation and they separate into parts.

  5. omg i was unaware of the writing essay :| thanks anyway!

    btw an update if anyone is interested, there are no longer assignments.
    just 40% mid year MCQs and 60% finals 40mcqs and 3 essay questions!

    1. I'm not sure if they changed the format though! So better prepare for both. If you don't mind, I'll update your info in my post?

    2. Yeah sure do update :)

  6. Hello! May I know if this module is very content-heavy?

    1. Not really. More of understanding and applying formulas (which will be given during exams)

  7. Hi may I know what is the title of your psychology textbook? Is it possible to get it from public bookstores because I want to read up ahead for next year when I enter uni

    1. You mean for this module? There are 2 textbooks, sold in a set. I think they are called Research Methods and Fundamentals of Social Science Research. And, as far as I know, it's not on sale in public bookshops. You can try Carousell.

  8. Hi, I'm considering to take this mod but I would like to have a look at the content first before deciding. Do you mind sharing the notes? My email is Thanks! :)

    1. I no longer have the notes with me.. But you should take this mod if you are considering a path in research. Go for the first lesson and drop if it you think it's not suitable.

    2. Ok, Thanks for advice! :)
