Friday, November 28, 2014

FL8001 Introduction to Film Studies

3.5 hr lecture  + 1.5 hr tutorial
(2 E-learning weeks)

Class Participation 10%
Mid-term Essay 20%
Group Presentation 20%
Finals 50%

Exam Format:
Finals - 30 MCQs + 3 Essays


This module is about analysing films at a basic level. You will be exposed to various types of films, such as Classical Hollywood, Italian Neorealist films, Japanese Samurai, etc. It is a really interesting module (and an eye-opener for me) and give you insights about the different types of films, what they really mean, etc. It is suitable for people who are aiming for a minor in Film Studies, or people who are just interested to know more about the aesthetics and meanings of films.

No assigned textbooks required.
Readings consists of core reading articles, regarding the general lenses to analyse films, and weekly reading articles for the respective topics.

Lectures consist of film screening, followed by lecture regarding the film.
It is good to attend the lecture because that is the only time you will get to see the films (most of them may not be found in Youtube), and you will be tested on the films for exams.

Tutorials include group presentation and discussion about the films shown for that week. Tutorials are the times when you can learn about the different viewpoints about the films that your peers have, watch videos of other relevant films and recap on the previous week's topic through group presentation.

Group presentation will be done in pairs or threes. Each group is assigned a topic and you are required to do a 25-minute presentation on the respective week that you are assigned. Presentation includes going through the topic and explore beyond by showing videos of other films.

There will be 2 e-learning weeks, during which you will have to watch the assigned films at your own pace and participate in a Facebook discussion.
Mid-term essay will be based on the first e-learning topic. You will be given several topics to choose from and write a 1,200-word essay, which will also require you to research beyond the reading.

Final exams format is MCQs based on the core reading and 3 essays based on the weekly topics, excluding the e-learning topics.


  1. Is it worth taking as an UE to boost gpa?

    1. Hi! I'm not very confident for this module so I SU-ed it!
      I think it is not really worth UNLESS
      - you have a passion for film
      - be opinionated and critical about films
      - you have a good command of English (It's a core elective for some WKW students and their English and argumentative skills are good, and some of the readings are tough)
      - you have a bit of knowledge in films (e.g some technical terms) (some terms were not explained and thus you may have to do your own reading)

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